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Chief: Matthew Kline
Address: 530 Union Avenue
Lakehurst NJ 08733
Phone: 732-657-7812
Number of Officers: 14
Population Served: 3500
Seasonal Pop. Served: 3500
Specializations: Bike Patrol, DARE Program, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, School Resource Officer, SLEO 1, SLEO 2, SWAT/Tactical

About the Lakehurst Police Department



The Lakehurst Police department serves a community of over 3,000 residents and responds to and handles over 12,000 calls for services each year. The department responds to medical assistances, traffic accidents, domestics, neighbor disputes, property crimes, and general calls for assistance. The professional men and women of the Lakehurst Police Department are dedicated to providing the finest police services and employ the latest in technology to provide the Borough of Lakehurst with the finest law enforcement service that is second to NONE!



It is the mission of the Lakehurst Police Department to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, to reduce the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public safety while working with all community members to improve their quality of life. We promise to do so with honor, loyalty, integrity, courage and commitment to duty, while at all times conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain public confidence and trust.