Morris County Public Safety Training Academy

Address 500 West Hanover Avenue
Parsippany NJ 07054
Phone 973-285-2979




The staff of the Morris County Public Safety Training Academy, together with the Morris County Police Chiefs Association is pleased to present the 2019 Police Training Catalog. We continue to offer the best training for the law enforcement community as well as other disciplines.

Due to the number and variety of courses being offered it would be too numerous to detail all that is available. Please take some time to peruse the entire catalog to find classes of interest to you and your department. Many of our normal classes continue to be offered as well as many new and timely topics that had been added.

As a public service, we are including Atlantic Health’s EMT courses as well as one (1) daytime Emergency Medical Technician-Initial Certification in this publication.

In presenting this catalog, we have attempted to address current issues and trends occurring in the law enforcement community. As always, we welcome your input into any other courses that could be offered to increase the safety and efficiency of those who serve the community. We are confident that the training offered by the Morris County Public Safety Training Academy will fulfill your department’s training needs.

A sincere thank you is extended to all of the Morris County Police Chiefs, the County Prosecutor and the Morris County Sheriff for their continued support and cooperation.

Original signed by Daniel H. Colucci, Academy Director
January 2019