North Hampton Police Department
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Adjust Your Job Alert SettingsChief | Robert LaBarge |
Address | 233 Atlantic Ave. North Hampton NH 03862 |
Phone | (603) 964-8621 |
Website | |
Number of Officers | 14 |
Population Served | 4538 |
Seasonal Pop. Served | 4538 |
Specializations | Motorcycle, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical |
Current Openings
Open Jobs | Salary | Deadline |
North Hampton - Police Officer | $62,000 to $76,609 | December 31, 2024 |
North Hampton - Certified Police Officer | $64,521 - $76,609 (Starting at Step 3 or commensurate with experience on a 12-step salary scale) | December 31, 2024 |
The North Hampton Police Department is a full time, progressive, proactive law enforcement agency located in the Seacoast Region of New Hampshire. The community has approximately two (2) miles of Atlantic coastline, and is within an hour of Boston, MA., Manchester N.H., and Portland, ME.
The men and women of the North Hampton Police Department are devoted to servingand protecting all people within our community with respect, professionalism, andcompassion. While maintaining order and peace, the members of this agency willfairly and equally enforce the laws of society and Ordinances of the Town withoutbias or prejudice. All employees are committed to promoting and building strongcommunity relationships to ensure a safe, healthy environment in which to reside,work, and visit |