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Sheriff: E. Grant Kilgore
Address: 5605 Patriot Drive
Wise VA 24293
Phone: 276-328-3566
Fax: 276-328-2624
Number of Officers: 69
Population Served: 42000
Seasonal Pop. Served: 42000
Specializations: Crisis Negotiations, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, Drone, Drug Task Force, K-9 Unit, Public Safety Communications, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical

About the Wise County Sheriff's Office

Committed to Excellence 

The Wise County Sheriff's Office is an accredited agency that is constantly striving to bring the best possible services to the citizens of Wise County and the City of Norton. We maintain a high standard for all of our personnel, ensuring they receive the best training possible to provide quality law enforcement services to all.

Office of the Sheriff

The Sheriff is the only locally elected constitutional law enforcement officer of the Commonwealth of Virginia, as provided in the Constitution of Virginia, and is elected by the citizens of his or her locality every four years. As described in Title 15.2-1609 of the Code of Virginia., the sheriff shall exercise all the powers conferred and perform all the duties imposed upon sheriffs by general law. The sheriff shall enforce the law or see that it is enforced in the locality from which he is elected and assists in the judicial process as provided by general law.  The sheriff may perform such other duties, not inconsistent with his office, as may be requested of him by the governing body. Accordingly, the duties of the sheriff are not spelled out in any one document, law, or regulation.  

Responsibilities & Legal Authority of the Sheriff 

Law Enforcement 

Title 15.2-1609 of the Code of Virginia mandates that all sheriffs are ultimately responsible for law enforcement in their respective localities.  Law enforcement responsibilities can include but not be limited to: the arrest and processing of criminal violations, service of civil and criminal warrants, conducting preliminary & follow-up criminal investigations, and providing other general law enforcement-related duties as needed.

Service to the Courts 

Court services are the responsibility of all Virginia’s sheriffs.  In each locality, the sheriff is responsible for the security of the courthouse, the courtrooms, and the trials while they are underway.  Sheriffs are responsible for the security and sequestering of the jurors and notification of jurors for court service.  Additionally, sheriffs’ offices are responsible for the service of hundreds of thousands of court papers per year, ranging from divorce proceedings and child custody cases to simple civil suits among citizens.

In addition to these services, sheriffs are called upon to promote community programs and services for victims and witnesses of crime as well as participate in civil commitments to the citizens of their locality to protect the basic health and welfare of those citizens.


Message from Wise County Sheriff, E. Grant Kilgore

The Wise County Sheriff's Office is an accredited agency that is constantly striving to bring the best possible services to the citizens of Wise County and the City of Norton. We maintain a high standard for all of our personnel, ensuring they receive the best training possible to provide quality law enforcement services to all.

Any comments about our agency are welcomed. As a proactive, progressive agency, we consistently evaluate ourselves to bring you the best law enforcement services possible.