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Type: Entry Level
Job Title: Hollis - Full-Time Police Officer
Salary: $58, 269.23 for Non-Certified/Certified Salary is Negotiable
Deadline: Dec 31, 2025 11:59 PM Eastern
Location: Hollis, NH
Fee: $35.00

Job Announcement:

Hollis Police Department, NH Public Safety Jobs 

A Nationally Accredited Law Enforcement Agency



The Hollis Police Department, a nationally accredited law enforcement agency, is now accepting applications for the position of Full-Time Police Officer. Minimum qualifications include: United States citizen, high school diploma or equivalent, must be 21 years of age and the ability to pass a written, physical agility, and assessment test in addition to an extensive background check.  Starting salary for non-certified candidates is $58,269.23. Full-time certified officers are encouraged to apply. Starting salary for full-time certified officers will be dependent on years of full-time experience as a certified police officer.  New Hampshire Full-Time Certified applicants are waived from the written test.

The Town of Hollis, New Hampshire will pay a one-time bonus of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to any applicant actually hired by the Town who is already certified by the New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council as a Full-Time Certified Police Officer.  This bonus will be paid by the Town as a stipend, not included in base wages or in the calculation of any pension benefit, at the same time as the applicant’s first regular paycheck as an employee of the Town.

Interested candidates must submit an application, cover letter and resume through www.PoliceApp.com/HollisNH. All applications must be submitted through our application website; no application material will be accepted via mail or by hand. There will be a $35.00 application and testing fee due at the time the application is submitted (PoliceApp processing fee).  The Hollis Police Department DOES NOT charge a fee for this testing process. 

Applicants meeting the minimum qualifications will be invited to the first step in the process. a general knowledge entry level test.  Applicants must receive a score of 70% or higher on this test in order to qualify to participate in the physical fitness test.  Applicants will be tested at the 35th percentile of the Cooper Aerobics Institute standards, and must meet minimum requirements of that test battery. Standards relative to the 35th percentile of the Cooper Aerobic Institute can be found by clicking HERE.

Depending on application quantities, dates in which the written and physical fitness test will be scheduled on a periodic basis; no set testing date is established and the acceptance of applications will continue on an open enrollment basis until vacancies are filled. 

Hollis Police Department, NH Public Safety Jobs


The Town of Hollis is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Please direct questions regarding this position to jmaloney@hollinsh.org

About Public Safety Jobs

Jobs close at 11:59 PM (Eastern) on the deadline date specified, or when the position capacity has been met, or unless otherwise specified in the announcement. If the deadline date is not specified in the announcement, the agency has sole discretion on setting the deadline and jobs may close without notice. It is the applicant's responsibility to thoroughly read and understand the deadline requirements and capacity limits as outlined by the agency.

Applicants are responsible for checking their email and logging into their PublicSafetyApp account to monitor for updates.